HCS is committed to listening to and evaluating the input, feedback, concerns and overall responses from clients, relevant authorities including our Governing bodies. We understand that although we strive to ensure a harmonious business environment and operations, there is the possibility for an unfortunate experience or interaction. Empathy and responsiveness is our foremost policy, along with a resolution which can lead to prevention down the line.

HCS presents a cohesive, inclusive and considerate policy when it comes to the lodgement, receival and processing of appeals and complaints. First and foremost, we will review and consider every single appeal and complaint, with no preference to the severity or relevance. This is a corporate policy that which we feel will improve our relations and experiences with clients, governing bodies and any associates.

The entire process for processing complaints and appeals is in accordance with clause 7.13 of ISO 17065, clause 9.7 of OIC/SMIIC 2, clause 9.7 of GSO 2055-2 and clause 9.7 of UAE.S 2055- 2.

Stage 1 – The appealer will lodge their claim or appeal through the dedicated HCS web portal for complaints.

Stage 2 – HCS will receive the complaint and if required along with the appealer obliging, we will request an elaboration that is descriptive.

Stage 3 – HCS will evaluate the appeal and after an examination will explore possible resolutions.

Stage 4 – HCS will notify the appealer that their appeal or complaint has been processed, and the measures HCS will take to fix the grievances.

All complaints and appeals are processed by the HCS Complaint and Appeal Committee. All complaints and appeals will be securely and confidentially processed and will be reviewed in an objective manner regardless of the contents. This is in alignment with 7.13.6 of ISO 17065.

Please contact us in the below form

Please enter the details of your organisation
Please enter the details of your appeal or complaint