APPLICATION FOR PROCESSED PRODUCTS This Halal application form is the property of Halal Conformity Services, (HCS), and must be completed properly. As such, HCS will check all information that you supply, and will contact you as soon as your application has been finalized. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please select your category: (The applicant maybe different from the site to be certified)OfficeManufacturing or PlantPackagingWarehousingOthersCatergory (others)If you have selected others above, please enter the categories herePlease kindly select products standards numbers (Certification standards) or product certification schemeOIC/SMIIC: 1:2019OIC/SMIIC - 24:2020GSO 2538: 2017 GSO 2055-1:2021SJPH (Indonesian Halal Standards)MUIS-H.A.S SingaporeJAKIM MS: 1500:2019JAKIM MS: 1480:2019AS 4709-2001MPI Halal NoticeHCS SOPOtherProducts Standards numbers (others)If you have selected others above, please enter the standards numbers hereApplication TypeNew applicationRenewal of Halal certificationChange of scope (Adding: new product/or service/or site(s))Reduce the scope of Halal certificationBusiness TypeManufacturerExporterImporterDistributorCOMPANY/ BUSINESS DETAILSCompany/Business name *Trading name (mandatory) *Establishment Number *Business contact mobile numberStreet/postal Address *Fax numberContact Phone number *Email address *Contact person and position *Company websiteMinistry of Primary Industry (MPI) Registration and Export (license) Certificate Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload a copy of your certificate(s) here. If there are a number of images, please ZIP them up for usBusiness Registration Certificate * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload a copy of your certificate(s) here. If there are a number of images, please ZIP them up for usBusiness HACCP Certificate * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload a copy of your certificate(s) here. If there are a number of images, please ZIP them up for usBusiness Halal Programme (MPI) * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload this particular document as a word document, as it is easier to reviewStatement From Your Supplier/s That Your Products Are Free From Porcine Traces and Porcine By-Products Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload a statement FROM YOUR SUPPLIER/S which declares that your products are free from all porcine traces. This includes porcine flavouring and porcine DNA.Operational Flow-Chart of the Premises Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload a copy of the flow-chart of your premises.The Applicant Owns:The productProduct recipesBrandDoes not own the product/ or brand (Just processing or acting on behalf of the applicant)Product TypeFood products Non-Food products Food Products & categoriesAnimal protein products including poultry, beef, fishBakery items like cheesecakes, chocolate and mousse cakes (in APMEA)Vegetable processing (in APMEA)OthersFood products (other)If you have selected others above, please list the products hereNon-Food Products & categoriesCosmeticsSyntheticOthersNon-food products (other)If you have selected others above, please list the products hereProduct’s supplier name and full contact details *Product Data Sheet * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload your product data sheets here. If there are a number of sheets, please ZIP them up for usProducts description (size, shape, color etc… please kindly attach product photos or leaflet information) *Products description * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please attach photos or leaflet information here. If there are a number of images, please ZIP them up for usPackaging materialsCartonsPlasticGlassOthersPackaging materials (other)If you have selected others above, please list the materials herePlease provide your packaging list (Materials used for packaging products) *Packaging data sheet (Ingredients of packaging) * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please note - This is a required field. Please upload your packaging data sheets here. If there are a number of sheets, please ZIP them up for usList of ingredients *Origin of packaging’s ingredientsAnimalPlantsSyntheticAre Halal certificates accompanying ingredients and or packaging materials available?YesNoyes to "Halal certificates accompanying ingredients and or packaging materials available"If Yes please kindly provide the detail information and attached copies of relevant documents required Halal certificates accompanying ingredients Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload a copy of your document(s) here. If there are a number of images, please ZIP them up for usPlease provide any and all additional information for your packaging and ingredientsPRODUCTIONS AND PROCESSING LINEDuring the product processing is there any use of artificial or sedative Non-Halal additives or ingredients *YesNoN/AYes to use of non-halal additivesIf Yes please kindly provide the detail informationAre the Halal and non Halal products processed by the same equipment? *YesNoAre the Halal and non Halal products processed in the same day? *YesNoN/AIs there any proper separation or segregation between the Halal/non Halal at the chillers/cold storage? *YesNoN/AIs there any daily documentation for the non Halal and Halal products? *YesNoN/ADo you have appointed personnel to monitor and record Halal and Non-Halal processes?YesNoN/AIs there any a pork or pig product processed within or around of your premises?YesNoIf Yes please kindly provide us with the details such as distance from the main area of Halal productionPlease kindly explain your Halal production line and Non-Halal products management system (Briefly)Please kindly provide us with the total number of employees in the factory or company *Employees in this context do include permanent, seasonal, temporary and sub-contracted staffHow many shifts do you operate? *Typically, how many Hours per shift? *Typically, how many staff members work per shift? *Is your company certified by any Certification body?YesNoyes - company certified by any Certification bodyIf Yes, please give the detailsTRACEABILITY AND HALAL SECURITYIs there traceability or back track procedures for the Halal/non-Halal products in place?YesNoWhat is the Halal assurance system or procedures that you put in place, to make sure that your Halal products is not contaminated by Non-Halal products? *Please kindly provide us with your cleaning procedures for premises and Equipment *Is your cleaning product free from non-halal materials or ingredients?YesNoN/AFUTHER DETAILS AND COMMENTSDECLARATION *I declare that all documentation and information provided is correct to the best of my belief and knowledge. I further declare that I have not hidden any information or materials that are requested in this application.(You must accept the declaration to submit application.)Applicant’s Full name *Applicant’s positionApplicant’s Signature * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Date Signed *DD12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031MM123456789101112YYYY2025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920Company Logo * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. PhoneSubmit Important Notes HCS has a clear policy and procedures in place to safeguard confidential information. We ensure that all information obtained from the applicant shall remain confidential. Unless requested by a government body or relevant authorities. Having mentioned the above statement, HCS shall ensure that its services are accessible to all applicants whose business processes are aligned with our scope of operations. All applications shall be treated in a fair and just manner.
This Halal application form is the property of Halal Conformity Services, (HCS), and must be completed properly. As such, HCS will check all information that you supply, and will contact you as soon as your application has been finalized. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please select your category: (The applicant maybe different from the site to be certified)OfficeManufacturing or PlantPackagingWarehousingOthersCatergory (others)If you have selected others above, please enter the categories herePlease kindly select products standards numbers (Certification standards) or product certification schemeOIC/SMIIC: 1:2019OIC/SMIIC - 24:2020GSO 2538: 2017 GSO 2055-1:2021SJPH (Indonesian Halal Standards)MUIS-H.A.S SingaporeJAKIM MS: 1500:2019JAKIM MS: 1480:2019AS 4709-2001MPI Halal NoticeHCS SOPOtherProducts Standards numbers (others)If you have selected others above, please enter the standards numbers hereApplication TypeNew applicationRenewal of Halal certificationChange of scope (Adding: new product/or service/or site(s))Reduce the scope of Halal certificationBusiness TypeManufacturerExporterImporterDistributorCOMPANY/ BUSINESS DETAILSCompany/Business name *Trading name (mandatory) *Establishment Number *Business contact mobile numberStreet/postal Address *Fax numberContact Phone number *Email address *Contact person and position *Company websiteMinistry of Primary Industry (MPI) Registration and Export (license) Certificate Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload a copy of your certificate(s) here. If there are a number of images, please ZIP them up for usBusiness Registration Certificate * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload a copy of your certificate(s) here. If there are a number of images, please ZIP them up for usBusiness HACCP Certificate * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload a copy of your certificate(s) here. If there are a number of images, please ZIP them up for usBusiness Halal Programme (MPI) * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload this particular document as a word document, as it is easier to reviewStatement From Your Supplier/s That Your Products Are Free From Porcine Traces and Porcine By-Products Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload a statement FROM YOUR SUPPLIER/S which declares that your products are free from all porcine traces. This includes porcine flavouring and porcine DNA.Operational Flow-Chart of the Premises Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload a copy of the flow-chart of your premises.The Applicant Owns:The productProduct recipesBrandDoes not own the product/ or brand (Just processing or acting on behalf of the applicant)Product TypeFood products Non-Food products Food Products & categoriesAnimal protein products including poultry, beef, fishBakery items like cheesecakes, chocolate and mousse cakes (in APMEA)Vegetable processing (in APMEA)OthersFood products (other)If you have selected others above, please list the products hereNon-Food Products & categoriesCosmeticsSyntheticOthersNon-food products (other)If you have selected others above, please list the products hereProduct’s supplier name and full contact details *Product Data Sheet * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload your product data sheets here. If there are a number of sheets, please ZIP them up for usProducts description (size, shape, color etc… please kindly attach product photos or leaflet information) *Products description * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please attach photos or leaflet information here. If there are a number of images, please ZIP them up for usPackaging materialsCartonsPlasticGlassOthersPackaging materials (other)If you have selected others above, please list the materials herePlease provide your packaging list (Materials used for packaging products) *Packaging data sheet (Ingredients of packaging) * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please note - This is a required field. Please upload your packaging data sheets here. If there are a number of sheets, please ZIP them up for usList of ingredients *Origin of packaging’s ingredientsAnimalPlantsSyntheticAre Halal certificates accompanying ingredients and or packaging materials available?YesNoyes to "Halal certificates accompanying ingredients and or packaging materials available"If Yes please kindly provide the detail information and attached copies of relevant documents required Halal certificates accompanying ingredients Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload a copy of your document(s) here. If there are a number of images, please ZIP them up for usPlease provide any and all additional information for your packaging and ingredientsPRODUCTIONS AND PROCESSING LINEDuring the product processing is there any use of artificial or sedative Non-Halal additives or ingredients *YesNoN/AYes to use of non-halal additivesIf Yes please kindly provide the detail informationAre the Halal and non Halal products processed by the same equipment? *YesNoAre the Halal and non Halal products processed in the same day? *YesNoN/AIs there any proper separation or segregation between the Halal/non Halal at the chillers/cold storage? *YesNoN/AIs there any daily documentation for the non Halal and Halal products? *YesNoN/ADo you have appointed personnel to monitor and record Halal and Non-Halal processes?YesNoN/AIs there any a pork or pig product processed within or around of your premises?YesNoIf Yes please kindly provide us with the details such as distance from the main area of Halal productionPlease kindly explain your Halal production line and Non-Halal products management system (Briefly)Please kindly provide us with the total number of employees in the factory or company *Employees in this context do include permanent, seasonal, temporary and sub-contracted staffHow many shifts do you operate? *Typically, how many Hours per shift? *Typically, how many staff members work per shift? *Is your company certified by any Certification body?YesNoyes - company certified by any Certification bodyIf Yes, please give the detailsTRACEABILITY AND HALAL SECURITYIs there traceability or back track procedures for the Halal/non-Halal products in place?YesNoWhat is the Halal assurance system or procedures that you put in place, to make sure that your Halal products is not contaminated by Non-Halal products? *Please kindly provide us with your cleaning procedures for premises and Equipment *Is your cleaning product free from non-halal materials or ingredients?YesNoN/AFUTHER DETAILS AND COMMENTSDECLARATION *I declare that all documentation and information provided is correct to the best of my belief and knowledge. I further declare that I have not hidden any information or materials that are requested in this application.(You must accept the declaration to submit application.)Applicant’s Full name *Applicant’s positionApplicant’s Signature * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Date Signed *DD12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031MM123456789101112YYYY2025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920Company Logo * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. PhoneSubmit Important Notes HCS has a clear policy and procedures in place to safeguard confidential information. We ensure that all information obtained from the applicant shall remain confidential. Unless requested by a government body or relevant authorities. Having mentioned the above statement, HCS shall ensure that its services are accessible to all applicants whose business processes are aligned with our scope of operations. All applications shall be treated in a fair and just manner.
Important Notes HCS has a clear policy and procedures in place to safeguard confidential information. We ensure that all information obtained from the applicant shall remain confidential. Unless requested by a government body or relevant authorities. Having mentioned the above statement, HCS shall ensure that its services are accessible to all applicants whose business processes are aligned with our scope of operations. All applications shall be treated in a fair and just manner.
Important Notes HCS has a clear policy and procedures in place to safeguard confidential information. We ensure that all information obtained from the applicant shall remain confidential. Unless requested by a government body or relevant authorities. Having mentioned the above statement, HCS shall ensure that its services are accessible to all applicants whose business processes are aligned with our scope of operations. All applications shall be treated in a fair and just manner.
Important Notes HCS has a clear policy and procedures in place to safeguard confidential information. We ensure that all information obtained from the applicant shall remain confidential. Unless requested by a government body or relevant authorities. Having mentioned the above statement, HCS shall ensure that its services are accessible to all applicants whose business processes are aligned with our scope of operations. All applications shall be treated in a fair and just manner.