About Us
Halal Conformity Services (HCS) is a Halal Certification organisation approved by the New Zealand Government’s Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI).
HCS is an organisation that is established, owned and managed by a team of educated Muslim professionals who are qualified and experienced with Animal Welfare, Food Safety HACCP requirements and international Halal compliance. HCS’s staff has been working within the meat industry for a prolonged period of time.
HCS team members strictly adhere to the Quran and Sunnah and this provides the guidelines in bringing excellent Halal services to both Halal markets and communities. Our organisation shall have responsibility for complying with all the Halal requirements according to the Islamic rules.
HCS is a Muslim entity as per 4.1.1 of UAE.S 2055- 2, which has the legal and Islamic responsibility for complying with the all Islamic rules as per in with the UAE GSO:2055-2, Govs Egypt, JAKIM Malaysia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, MUI Indonesia H.A.S, MUIS Singapore H.A.S, Pakistan (PNAC), Qatar and other countries’ Halal certification schemes.
HCS is proud to be the first and only organisation in New Zealand that is recognised by UAE – Emirates International Accreditation Centre (EIAC)